The UK noise at work regulations specify the type of sound level meter that should be used when carrying out a noise assessment for the hearing protection of the workforce. The regulations state that you should use at least a calibrated Class 2 Integrating Sound Level, checking it's function before and after use using a suitable Sound Level Calibrator.
Please be aware that you can't use any sound level meter for this application. It must be an integrating meter, it must be calibrated and it must meet the IEC 61672 standard to at least Class 2.
All the meters presented on this page are suitable for this type of use. The prices shown include all you need:
All the meters on this page meet the requirements of the noise at work regulations, so why choose one over the other? Here is our general advice, but please contact us if you need help.
Data Logging - You do not need a data logging meter to satisfy the noise assessment regulations. For most surveys you will be measuring the LAeq (average sound level) and the LCpeak, so just two numbers. However, if you are making a lot of measurements the data logging meters make it quicker and more convenient. They also download to a computer (software included) and produce noise at work reports.
Measurement Range - The lower cost meter has a slightly lower measurement range of 30-130 dB(A), compared to 20-140 dB(A) for the other three. For most noise at work applications this is adequate, but if you have very high peak levels or you want to use the meter to measure quieter office noise then the wider range is essential.
Octave Band Filters - While not generally demanded by the regulations, octave band measurements are the most accurate way of checking that the hearing protection in use is adequate, or even over-protecting. Basic, manual hearing protector assessments can be carried out with any of these meters as they all provide both A and C weighted Leq. The octave band meter includes software that carries out the protector assessment for you and provides a protector report.
If you are unsure about what you need then please give us a call or send an email, we are happy to help you choose the most suitable and cost effective noise at work meter.
Maybe you don't have a big noise problem, or maybe you do an annual survey and just need to check that nothing has changed in the meantime. For this we recommend the Basic Meter. It meets the requirements of the regulations but doesn't do anything more than necessary, making it our most cost effective noise at work meter.
For larger industrial environments where assessments are carried out on a regular basis, we recommend the Data Logging Noise at Work Meter as it comes with software for the long term storage of your measurements and the production of noise assessment reports.
Noise levels are extremely high, often greater than 95 dB(A) and can't be reduced at source. You should ensure that the hearing protection provided is adequate and the most accurate way is with octave band measurements. The Octave Band Noise at Work Meter provides the measurements and the software does the hearing protector calculations and reports.